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Socitm launches public sector digital trends 2023

Socitm is delighted to launch its digital trends briefing for 2023.

Set in the context of turbulence and the pressing needs for resilience and sustainability, the report examines the digital threats and opportunities facing local government now and what’s coming next.

In preparing this sixth annual report, author and Socitm associate director Jos Creese, in collaboration with the Linked Organisation of Local Authority ICT Societies (LOLA) and Major Cities of Europe (MCE), draws on wide-reaching research and case studies from practitioners across the UK and around the world.

Despite extreme challenges in the sector, the report reflects optimism among digital leaders, particularly around innovation in harnessing data and in service design. However, flexibility will be vital to realise any positive outcomes and that means revisiting corporate and digital strategies.

“We are delighted to officially launch this report today. It’s a fantastic piece of research, I know local government colleagues and those in wider public services will find it incredibly useful. We’ve made it easy to access those sections most interesting to the reader through a summary detailing 12 key digital trends and six associated technology trends, together with an infographic and full report broken into a collection of mini reports on our website.

“Now is the time to be brave, innovate and grasp the opportunities for digital reform. I encourage those working within the public sector to digest the findings and feel inspired to reimagine their innovation and modernisation agendas”.

Socitm President Huw McKee, Head of IT and Digital Transformation at Conwy Council

“There is no doubt the last few years have been extremely challenging for local government. But, as our report highlights, there are reasons to be positive, even in difficult times. These reasons can only become reality if there is creativity, collaboration and vision across organisations and places when thinking about what their modernisation agendas, driven by digital, mean. Enjoy the report”.

Director of Policy and Research at Socitm, Martin Ferguson

As well as browsing the report pages, you can get the top level overview from the infographic and even dive into the summary.

For more information or interviews contact David Ogden on 07906 949 198