See how to unlock the potential of your technology (with WeChange.AI)

Decision-maker education

Nurture wider knowledge and understanding of place-based digital business change amongst decision makers across the local leadership, policy-making and practitioner communities.

Authors and contributors: William Barker, Martin Ferguson, Diana Rebaza


Illustration from the cover of the Public Sector Digital Trends report. There are illustrations of a line graph (heading downwards); a woman sitting looking at a laptop screen; a man standing, surrounded by a swirling line that twists around his whole body - he's looking a little puzzled; there's a fingerprint with a padlock; and then a monitor with drawings of buildings on.

Public sector digital trends

Hybrid working matures

Digital tools have a key part to play in ensuring remote teams are not so separated that services are impacted. Smart hubs and collaboration spaces for different public service organisations to use in a location will become increasingly important.


Socitm PAUSE model featuring a step-by-step guide

PAUSE model

Create fair and equitable organisations and services – everybody’s responsibility. Take time to reflect and review your approach, and identify where there may be gaps in the way in which you do things. Pause – reflect – act!


Socitm Leadership Academy prospectus

Leadership Academy: Grow, share, lead (prospectus)

Outlines Socitm’s leadership development programmes that are designed to harness, stretch and promote the talents and skills essential to successful contemporary leadership.

Socitm report - Resilient people, communities and places

Leadership and new thinking (report)

Offers ground-breaking training, tailor made for the sector to help you grow and develop successfully and confidently.

From place to person (report)

Reviews the wider challenges and opportunities as a result of the shift to remote working, recognising that the emphasis has shifted from a physical place of work to a focus on the person or the teams delivering pre-determined and tangible outcomes.


  • Leadership Academy
    Offers ground-breaking training, tailor made for the sector to help you grow and develop successfully and confidently.
  • Change Agent (Leadership Academy training)
    Learn about a range of technologies and gain an understanding of the skills needed to support change. Those taking part in the Change Agent programme will have the opportunity to learn from industry experts and staff from other local authorities, helping build communities of practice to collaborate.