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Leadership, diversity and skills
Supports members to develop professionally, share best practice and deliver their organisation’s technology and data-enabled transformation objectives.
Effective use of technologies and data in delivering services and improved digital outcomes for the public good.
Regeneration, sustainability and connectivity
Considers how regeneration, sustainability and connectivity can support post covid recovery, sustain the positive changes that have been achieved and help to build economically sustainable, socially just and ecologically safe places.
Responsible use of data and technologies
Supports responsible and secure use of digital technology in pursuit of the common good, fairness, transparency and environmentally friendly outcomes.
Service design and transformation
Supports innovative design and transformation in the delivery of public services that meet the needs of people and communities.
Breaking the public policy impasse (white paper)
Reviews how cities are breaking the public policy impasse of recent decades by improving the wellbeing of communities, meaning less people and places are placed in a ‘too difficult’ box.
Policy into practice framework (policy brefing)
Builds a picture of local responses to Covid-19, the positive step changes underway and how to successfully harness digital, data and technology as ways of delivering successful place-based innovation and transformation.
Socitm’s key policy themes (policy briefing)
This core policy briefing will be of interest to senior policy makers, decision makers and managers involved in the creation, design, commissioning and delivery of such services.