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Horizon scanning

Horizon scan to understand the wider digital, data and technology (DDaT) environment, so as to help anticipate and adapt better to changing circumstances and unexpected events.

Authors and contributors: William Barker, Martin Ferguson, Diana Rebaza


Illustration from the cover of the Public Sector Digital Trends report. There are illustrations of a line graph (heading downwards); a woman sitting looking at a laptop screen; a man standing, surrounded by a swirling line that twists around his whole body - he's looking a little puzzled; there's a fingerprint with a padlock; and then a monitor with drawings of buildings on.

Public sector digital trends

Trends reshaping the use of technology

Highlights six technologies for the public sector that stand out as being high priority for innovation, learning, service delivery and expanding trust.


Planting the flag – A new local normal

Brings together the ideas and experience from members of Socitm and its partner associations (LOLA and MCE) around the world. It identifies key areas of work in progress and provides a good snapshot of our current thinking.


Public sector digital trends 2023 - Summary

Public sector digital trends 2023 – Summary (guide)

Socitm’s ‘Digital Trends’ analysis for the public sector. With a strong focus on local public services and councils, our research is based on contributions from the UK and around the world, working in collaboration with Socitm’s partner professional associations and related organisations.

Socitm report - Resilient people, communities and places

St George’s House consultation report

Horizon scanning for practical wisdom

Looks at tackling digital inequalities and championing social value and the need to build upon the practical wisdom of local authorities in responding to Covid-19. Considers the role that ethical approaches to change can play in helping to sustain the step changes that local public service providers are taking and how these can help to address the ‘levelling-up’ agenda in England and similar agendas elsewhere.

Situational awareness and systems thinking

Examines the role of situational awareness in addressing issues of cyber security and online harms. Reflects on how the use of systems thinking can challenge and help to reset our approach to digital policy making and service design.