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Representatives on the Council cover all geographic areas of the country, along with differing sizes of Local Authority, and other public and third sector bodies such as Education, Police, Health, etc.

The purpose of the Local CIO Council is to:

  • Set and lead the vision and strategic direction for ICT and digital policy for local public services.
  • Facilitate local commissioning and implementation of strategies and initiatives for digitally-enabled local public services reform.
  • Provide regular briefings for Socitm regional meetings and the membership, keeping them informed and helping them understand the implications of current and future policy developments for them and their organisations.
  • Advise the Socitm Board of Directors (the Board) and other advisory groups on policy, research and strategic direction.
  • Strengthen the breadth and reach of the LCIOC and Socitm’s activities and the credibility and influence of CIOs engaged in local public services digital delivery and reform.
  • Maintain strong links with the Government Digital Service (GDS).
  • Work with and support the activities of GDS, other Government Departments, and the devolved administrations to ensure early involvement of the LCIOC in providing a local perspective on national policy/strategy and alignment of programmes – both delivery and challenge.
  • Support the activities of the Local Digital Coalition.
  • Provide a two-way communications route between local and central government and the third sector.
  • Identify and influence national groups and programmes which reflect priorities of local public services ICT, including the LGA, Local Government Delivery Council, DCLGSolaceLocalGov DigitaliNetworkiStandtechUK, and Nesta.
  • Support ICT-enabled local public services collaboration and partnership working.
  • Support the development of ICT professionalism programmes for local government.
  • Work collaboratively to remove barriers in effectively exploiting technology to increase service quality and improve service efficiency.
  • Influence the development of ICT infrastructure and service standards to accelerate the joining-up of public services at a local level.
  • Influence ICT suppliers in order to identify opportunities for new and innovative methods of engaging with the private sector.
  • Develop a work programme with clear outcome and performance measures to be reviewed each year as a publicly available report.

The Terms of Reference set out the structure and basis on which the Council meets and works.

For further details please email the LCIOC secretariat at