Get to London for your next conference day (People make) Sustainable and Innovation Places on Thursday 10 October

Newsletter: Stay connected and supported

With your free member events, meetings, resources, and training

Only one month until the next Top Talent programme starts. Significantly, the final sessions will be in Brighton at June’s President’s Conference. Want to be a part of that special cohort (by the seaside)?! The countdown to signing up has started.
Interested, but not completely sure you can take part? Talk to us about it.

This week’s #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek is a good time to revisit our PAUSE model #PauseReflectAct

It supports your thinking and actions around diversity and inclusion. It’s a way in to start doing something. To start making a difference.

Another place to start is using 1 of your membership training points to join next week’s Valuing Diversity workshop.

Create and join in a Design Lab at President’s Conference in June

A collaboration of members, facilitated by Socitm Advisory, will solve a service design problem. The problem to be tackled will be decided by you! Which one gets your vote?

Trust nothing and make everything private

These are the key messages from Wednesday’s webinar 🙂 Once you’ve stopped being afraid, iboss packed a lot of useful stuff into their presentation. When you watch it you might need to pause at some points to make sure you’re on top of it all.

The principles set out by the NCSC are the best place to start your zero trust journey. To take the opportunities on offer with Working From Anywhere, all of us need to accept our responsibilities in making and keeping this secure.

Our guest presenter this week was Anthony Robinson. If there’s something he can help you with, do get in touch.

Watch the webinar

STEM ReCharge is open

This programme is targeting people who have taken lengthy career breaks, to care for others, and give them the skills and confidence they need to return to STEM roles.

In particular, they’re looking to recruit technology and engineering returners in the Midlands and the North of England, as well as employers who wish to benefit from this returner talent pool.

Read more and register


This year, you register for training using points instead of places. Not sure how it works? Send any questions to Dominika Szulim-Wronek.

Your new Leadership Academy Advocate of the Month is Alexandra Murphy.

Share your training experience with other members – fill in the short Q&A.

Recruitment and retention issues? You can make a personal contribution through mentoring. As a mentor or mentee, you can impact someonen else in such a direct way. Exactly how, will only become clear once you’re doing it.

Register your interest. The training team is matching up potential mentors and mentees right now.

Training in March and April

Use 1 of your training points on 1 of these workshops 🙂

  • Thursday 23 March: Valuing diversity
  • Thursday 30 March: Cyber breach workshop The ONLY one this year. Don’t miss it!
  • Starting on Monday 17 April (in London): Top Talent – final 2 sessions in Brighton at Presidents’ Conference in June) [4 points]
  • Starting on Thursday 27 April (in London): Empowering Women – final session in Brighton at Presidents’ Conference in June) [3 points]

 Once you’ve finished your training don’t forget to claim your CPD points.

Socitm Advisory

Are you making full use of your membership?

As part of your membership you can receive between 2 and 12 hours of FREE consultancy advice per year. To make use of your inclusive consultancy hours, get in touch or log in to My Account.

Show the world you love accessibility

Silktide – the experts behind your monthly website accessibility score – feels that not enough people know what accessibility is, why it’s important, or how to improve it. So they decided to fix it.

Watch more

Events from Socitm and partners

March and April

Missed a webinar? Past recordings are available to watch in the resource hub. Also, make sure to check out our regional events. There’s a mix of online and in-person meetings, so please feel free to join any that are outside your area.

Browse the events calendar

NILGA 2023 Annual Conference

Socitm attended this conference last month. LGIU was there as well, and this week published their highlights of the day; including key learning and innovation, while also reflecting on the uncertain world of local government right now and what that means for the future.

Read more

DigiGov 2023 | 23 May | QEII Centre, London

Join the 10th annual DigiGov Conference. Hear from Socitm CEO, Nadira Hussain; CDIO at the Cabinet Office, Mike Hill; and Head of Digital and Transformation at Woking Borough Council, Adam Walther.

Register now and network with leading public sector tech professionals.

Secure your free pass

Thank you for reading (or scrolling) this far! Just one more thing…

This week it’s an episode of the Eat Sleep Work Repeat podcast from 2020:

Diversity and Creative Thinking

As it is from 2020, skip to about 5 minute point to avoid the lockdown chat at the beginning of the conversation 😉

The book: Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking

Make sure you connect with us on LinkedIn and on Twitter to keep up-to-date with everything happening.