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Public sector digital trends
A renewed focus for digital health
Consider how working collaboratively across health and other local public services boundaries is a growing priority, sharing data and digital assets, and considering merging teams where this can improve outcomes or save money.
Digital ethics
Examines the common principles for good governance and public sector skills and how these relate to the wider social value agenda. A basis for constructing collaborative approaches to support place-based innovation, and transformation.
Location intelligence
Location intelligence collaboration
Outlines a range of case studies that highlight how local placed-based collaboration is being underpinned by a location intelligence approach that is being used to better understand the characteristics of communities, infrastructure and places, and when and where they need particular services.

Local collaboration for recovery
Highlights examples of local delivery and collaboration across a range of Combined Authority, County, Unitary and District Councils focusing on what works and how they are looking to develop and apply such approaches across the diverse range of places and communities they serve.
Helps members develop professionally, share best practice and deliver their organisation’s technology and data-enabled transformation objectives and provides a range of resources and services to help public service organisations and communities deploy technologies and data for public value.

Integrated care – collaboration (report)
Focuses on collaborative models across the UK and beyond. This report focuses on analysing international examples of the changing nature of healthcare models and the digital opportunities that they portray to support the integration of place-based health and social care.