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Digital ethics
Focus on the design phase of digital and data tools
Looks at the duty of care of digital creators of all kinds (developers, digital designers, project managers, etc.) and the need to ensure that their approach to design adheres to the pursuit of the common good, does no harm, preserves human agency, and is fair, transparent, and environmentally friendly.
Examines how to grow an organisational approach to responsible use of technology and the tools that can form the basis for mapping and defining a set of supporting leadership approaches to complement the digital place-making agenda.
Public sector digital trends
Looking afresh at customer services
Customer service strategies will refocus on service users. Public bodies should review their priorities and strategies for customer service, ensuring a tight coupling and alignment with digital priorities and possibilities.
Service design and transformation
Examines the role of innovative design and transformation in the delivery of public services that meet the needs of people and communities.