Submit your nomination for the 2024 Socitm Awards

Practical placemaking collection | Article

Continuous development

Authored by William Barker, Martin Ferguson, Diana Rebaza


Digital ethics

Professional ethics and codes

Considers ethical based approaches that leaders, policy makers and practitioners can use alongside our wider digital ethics collection to support the ethical and secure use of emerging technologies and data.

PowerPoint presentations

Measuring performance improvement

Measuring performance improvement (PowerPoint presentation)

Outlines the challenges inherent in measuring the improvement of performance, how they can be addressed, and how practical and effective measuring of performance improvement can be implemented.


Socitm Improve report 2022

Improve and benchmarking (report)

Outlines the work of Socitm’s Improve service and the benefits of benchmarking an ICT service. Explores how organisations met the challenges of dealing with a rapid change in delivering services and the lessons that can be learned from them.

Socitm report - Resilient people, communities and places

What works and what needs to change (St George’s House consultation report)

Looks at the real-world approach to generate evidence on what works in a defined policy area, how to translate evidence for specific user group and encourage the adoption and intelligent use of evidence to help boost place-based capabilities.