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- Ethical – full resident information and consent, one-to-one support where needed, only residents with capacity to consent where included in the pilot, withdrawal at any point, resident consent to disclosure of personal (anonymised) information/data.
- Mental capacity – ensuring there is a robust pathway into the AT offer for residents deemed to lack, or have fluctuating capacity.
- Data protection – detailed work to ensure GDPR compliance including DPiAs, data sharing agreements.
- Cyber security – equipment had to be penetration tested to ensure robustness and meeting security requirements.
- Practitioner engagement/acceptance – it was vital to ensure practitioners were signed up to this pilot, were aware of its intended use and limitations and were engaged at all points of the pilot.
- Resident/family consent/acceptance – residents needed to be assured that this was not going to replace a carer and that the whole system was safe, secure and robust.
Data inspired living consists of an online dashboard, which provides a view of routines using various small, discreet sensors that are placed around the home.
These small sensors help to build a day-to-day picture of someone’s normal routine, so if the sensors detect anything that might fall outside the norm such as missed medication or a reduction in movement around the home, an alert can be raised and investigated by either
The solution is the data inspired living practitioners’ dashboard, which was developed from the ground up and rooted in social care through the collaboration of Hertfordshire County Council’s adult care practitioners and technology teams.
The dashboard enables carers and practitioners to understand the contributing factors for elevated risks associated with the resident’s health and wellbeing via a complete picture, giving a unique oversight to have informed conversations and assist with care planning.
Outcomes and benefits
Primary outcome
- Achieve efficiencies (cash and time releasing) from investment in AT
Secondary outcomes
- Reduce the number of avoidable emergency admissions and readmissions into hospital
- Reduce or delay the use of care homes
- Improve or maintain resident independence
- Improve care planning using AT
- Reduce pressures on family carers and improve their quality of life