Get to London for your next conference day (People make) Sustainable and Innovative Places on Thursday 10 October

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Place-based ethical challenge

The ethical premise that underpins digital placemaking is simple: Digital placemaking boosts the wellbeing, social, cultural, environmental and economic … Read more

Societal ethics

“Societal ethics” examines the impacts of digital technology and data analytics on wider society. It thus deals with the … Read more


This basic glossary of terms is extracted from the wider Wikipedia glossaries for Artificial Intelligence and computer science. More … Read more

Emerging tools

The UK and partner organisations from around the world are playing a leading role in the development of tools … Read more

Emerging guidance

The UK and its partners are playing a leading role in the development of guidance on the ethical use … Read more

Emerging technical standards

A range of international standards organisations are developing and publishing AI-related standards. With differing degrees of granularity, these: identify … Read more

Explicability: Operate transparently

Explicability: “Operate transparently”: To ensure that there is intelligibility, transparency, trustworthiness, and accountability around how and why Digital, Data … Read more

Justice: be fair

Justice: “Be Fair”: That all benefits and risks should be distributed fairly. Solutions should promote fair treatment and equitable … Read more

Ethics of use

“Ethics of use” aims to examine how service users and employees – as well as managers and partners of … Read more