Get to London for your next conference day (People make) Sustainable and Innovative Places on Thursday 10 October

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Illustration showing a doctor's waiting room with a nurse holding a tablet as she listens to a patient as he gesticulates with his arms

Joining up and levelling up

Considerable changes to the structure and approach of England’s health and social care system are on the way.  The … Read more

The Socitm and Socitm Advisory logos next to an illustration of a woman holding a laptop and standing on a map. It's title is levelling up: our view.

Levelling up – a Socitm response

International optimism day (Thursday 3 February) provided a perfect opportunity to reflect on the Levelling Up (LU) announcements last … Read more

Autonomy: preserve human agency

Autonomy: preserve human agency. To enable people to make choices. To allow people to modify or override solutions when appropriate. … Read more

Beneficence: do good

Beneficence: “Do Good”:  That work is to the benefit, not detriment of individuals and society. The benefits of the … Read more

Non-maleficence: do no harm

Non-maleficence: “Do no Harm”: To avoid harm, including harm from malicious or unexpected uses, by recognising that the moral … Read more

Place-based ethical challenge

The ethical premise that underpins digital placemaking is simple: Digital placemaking boosts the wellbeing, social, cultural, environmental and economic … Read more