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Harnessing data illustration

Business cases for data projects

Data in any organisation is usually under-utilised – it always has been, and probably always will be. Like the … Read more

Harnessing data illustration

Data in smart places

Everything local authorities do depends on data and this includes designing and stimulating smart regions, with a range of … Read more

Harnessing data illustration

GDPR and data sharing

There is no shortage of useful reference, case studies and advice on the General Data Protection Regulation which came … Read more

Harnessing data illustration

Data ethics and acceptable use

Data ethics has suddenly become a hot topic. Some of this comes from the GDPR initiative which has raised … Read more

Harnessing data illustration

Leadership and data governance

Defining the role of leadership and governance for an increasingly complex array of data responsibilities across a place and … Read more

Harnessing data illustration

Data and democracy

Democracy is under threat. Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal in which the personal data of millions of people’s Facebook … Read more

Harnessing data illustration

Introduction from the authors

The changing role of data Some of the world’s wealthiest companies have made their fortunes with data. Many people … Read more