Benchmarking: What will you measure and discover in 2025?

Would you like to support a colleague in their professional development?

By signing up as a Socitm volunteer, you could make a big difference to people’s lives. We’re looking for experienced UK professionals willing to give a few hours of their time to provide support and advice to public sector colleagues who want to change their lives and enhance their careers.  

The Socitm Mentoring Programme is part of Socitm Lead, a free-of-charge support opportunity for public sector professionals and Socitm partners. Mentees will also benefit from a range of other assets and resources including Socitm and Lead webinars as well as invitation to join the Alumni Network and events (Mentoring webinars and Alumni Network events quarterly). 

Mentoring support illustration

What's involved?

Mentoring is a professional partnership

The Socitm mentoring programme involves providing one-to-one advice and support to an individual who wants to enhance their personal and professional development. Mentoring is one of a number of ways in which to inspire, inform and empower anyone to achieve their personal and career objectives.

You will help your mentee to build their skills and confidence to identify areas of development, reaffirm their talents and consider opportunities for further growth. You will share your own experience, knowledge and insights (including sector knowledge, if applicable), facilitating decision-making and acting as a source of encouragement as well as a confidential sounding-board.

You will agree objectives with your mentee at the outset.

These could include:

  • How to be focused on career development, clarifying goals and actions
  • How to build professional networks virtually and in person
  • How to achieve a satisfactory work-life balance
  • How to understand flexible working options, including new hybrid working models
  • How to rebuild professional confidence

As a mentor

Mentoring focuses on the goals of the mentee, but there are also benefits for mentors:

  • The satisfaction of helping a talented individual to achieve their objectives and rebuild their confidence.
  • Development of your mentoring, leadership and communication skills.
  • New perspectives to benefit your organisational role.
  • A feeling of making a difference and ‘giving back’.

As a mentee

Mentoring focuses on the goals selected for each mentee individually, some of the benefits you can see below:

  • The support and knowledge from an experienced individual, who will give their time to make sure you are well equipped to develop your career as well as aspects of your personal life, achieving your objectives and rebuild your confidence.
  • Development of your network in the professional capacity, by meeting people like yourself during Socitm events.
  • Potential progress within your current organisation.
  • A feeling of having a positive impact on your development.

Am I a suitable mentor?

We are looking for supportive and encouraging individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • At least 3 years of professional experience
  • Currently employed in a professional role or recently retired
  • UK-based
  • Willing to share personal experiences

Am I a suitable mentee?

We are encouraging individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Currently employed within our members’ organisations.
  • Willing to progress their career and personal development.
  • UK-based
  • Willing to commit to the programme schedule.

The Mentoring Programme will run from March till November 2024.

Sessions will take place virtually by phone, via Teams, Zoom or another video platform, or if preferred and agreeable to both participants, also physically.  

November deadline is for the purpose of evaluation and showcasing the results during Annual Alumni Event only. This programme doesn’t have an end date and applicants, both mentors and mentees can apply anytime. Each year evaluation will take place before the Alumni Event. 


As a Mentor you will: 

  • Organise up to 6 one-hour online/physical 1-2-1 mentoring meetings with your mentee, spaced throughout March-November 2024. 
  • (Optional) Participate in quarterly Alumni Coffee Hour-mentoring check-in session to share learning and get support from the Alumni network members and fellow mentors. 
  • Request feedback on the mentoring sessions from mentees via the forms provided after each session. 
  • Provide feedback on the Mentoring Programme via an online survey in November 2024. 

As a Mentee you will: 

  • Take part in up to 6 one-hour online/physical 1-2-1 mentoring meetings with your mentor, spaced throughout March-November 2024. 
  • (Optional) Participate in quarterly Alumni Coffee Hour-mentoring check-in session to share learning and get support from the Alumni network members and fellow mentors and mentees. 
  • Share  feedback on the mentoring sessions  form after each session via the form that has been provided. 
  • Provide feedback on the Mentoring Programme via an online survey in November 2024. 

How to take part

Once you have completed the appropriate registration form and we have confirmed that you meet the criteria presented above, we will contact you with further details on the mentoring process. If you have any questions, please email:

    Mentor registration form

    How would you like to undertake the mentoring sessions? *
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      Mentee registration form

      Have you been mentored previously?
      How would you like to undertake the mentoring sessions?
      Accept GDPR policy to send email (required)
      This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

      “A genuine life changing experience”

      “During the course I came to understand some beliefs I had that were holding me back such as my own independence which meant I viewed asking for help as a sign of weakness.”

      Empowering Women programme attendee

      “Empowered to make a positive change”

      “Thank you all, I have realised that my feelings are not isolated to me and I have been empowered to make a positive change that will benefit me in all aspects of my life.”

      Personalised Empowering Women programme attendee

      “I will also be taking some of these learnings and sharing with my team both male and female”

      “Just a big thank you for an informative and engaging two days shared with some super talented ladies! I had no preconceptions of this workshop having been signed onto this relatively late in the day but gained so much. I will also be taking some of these learnings and sharing with my team both male and female. Look forward to catching up with you all again in September. Until then happy empowerment!”

      Empowering Women programme attendee

      Mentoring resources

      Useful documents


      Blog posts

      Two women sitting side by side at a desk in an office.

      Mentoring…The first meeting

      You’ve volunteered to be part of the 2024 Socitm Mentoring Programme. What next? Aidan Matthews has put together a … Read more

      Line graphic of lead, grow, share

      Grow. Share. Lead

      Our Leadership Academy programmes are designed to harness, stretch and promote the talents and skills essential to successful contemporary leadership.