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Welcome to Socitm Inspire, your new home for local government digital transformation

New semi-detached houses with a paved drive in front and to the side of them both. There are some small, newly planted shrubs. Outside the right hand house a Mini is parked.

Socitm Inspire is launching at this year’s President’s Conference in Brighton.

It’s a privilege to have Sam Smith, Socitm’s president from 2020 to 2022, joining as its
director from Monday 17 July.

We know we have to evolve from Socitm now, a responsive organisation, to Socitm 2.0. One that is current and offers greater value to its members in what continue to be challenging times for the sector.

Our new institute is part of an evolution to become Socitm 2.0

Nadira Hussain

There are two big things we want Socitm Inspire to do:

  1. Help you improve organisational and place-based outcomes.
  2. Continue to create and support communities that will help you share, learn and grow.

I see the institute as our new home. With our individual services as its rooms and our communities – that enable networking, sharing and collaboration – as the roof.

Simplifying and standardising

Socitm was structured around discrete products and services: Lead, Inform, Improve, Include and Share.

Over the last two and a half years, through our improved engagement efforts, we have listened to you and responded accordingly by designing the institute. It is a one-stop shop where you can access all our assets, resources and learning and development capabilities to aid improvement and innovation.

We are updating the website to reflect these changes that we have made through the establishment of the institute. This will replace terminology based on individual services with clearly-named work areas.

2 columns side-by-side, headed Services (old) and Work areas (new).  There are 4 entries in each column, with a different coloured and shaped arrow linking each side-by-side box. The boxes in each column are; Socitm Improve becomes Benchmarking; Socitm Inform becomes Research, policy and innovation; Socitm Lead become Learning and development; Socitm Include becomes Equality, diversity and inclusion.

Instead of Share the website has a calendar of our events. And we are simplifying the whole site to improve the user experience and make navigation easier.

We will also refocus some of these work areas:

  • Policy, research and innovation will be based on ‘what works’: offering proven methodologies, tools, case studies and templates that have worked elsewhere so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
  • Learning and development will continue to help you acquire skills and capabilities to work as leaders in ongoing turbulent times.
  • We also aspire to enhance our benchmarking capability and offer new areas in the near future, including data services.

Socitm Advisory will continue as a separate company providing consultancy services.


A key unique offer is creating communities where people can come together, talk and share – the roof of our house. We have an inherent capability to provide opportunities to collaborate and network in the communities of interest we have all created.

This extends to the regional forums of local meetings, our national events and our growing alumni community, who represent our aspiring talent pipeline.

Socitm is also turning itself into a charity, through which we believe we can attract more funding but also deliver greater social value and public good.

We have always had these values at our heart and achieving this status formalises our ambition.

Find what works

These changes are the start of evolving Socitm, with the vision of creating a unique single place
to offer real practical guidance, tools and to take our members beyond what works.

The institute will give you access to resources, horizon scanning, thought leadership, insights
and network that will help adapt and deliver successful outcomes through unlocking untapped potential in organisations and places.

Additionally, it will provide access to capabilities to enable informed decision making; connections with peers you can learn from; and the opportunity to upskill your workforce to deliver transformation at pace and scale.

We know that Socitm has to remain current, responsive and fit for purpose.

The team is making these changes based on listening and responding to your needs.

We are keen to be the society that can tell you what works, and apply the lessons learnt itself.

Available now

Illustration of a hand, from the side and palm up holding a leaf and 2 circles representing a person.

Connected Places Prospectus

​Improving the quality of life in your communities 
The prospectus sets out the rationale, scope and key elements of our planned Connected Places research collection

  • how technology and data can be used to make more and better connections
  • to enable and empower you in supporting and transforming the resilience of communities, public services and organisations
  • enhancing the quality of living for the people they serve.
Central circle surrounded by 5 smaller circles. The outer circles are connected to the middle one by a line.

Practical Placemaking

Insights to help in digital placemaking and service transformation. 

The collection offers you a range of thought leadership, trend analysis and practical insights that will help you anticipate and adapt to the fast-moving, place-based digital, data and technology agenda.

Illustration of heart shape surrounded by circles in approximate people shapes.

Resilience and Regeneration

Maintain and build on the step change from the pandemic
These insights set out how, working together, we can all support the wider drive towards place-based resilience and regeneration.

Illustration of a crown inside a circle. Around the edge of the circle are leaves, 4 on each side.

Social Value

Start to consider social value as a key plank in your strategies, policies and operations. The use of frameworks such as TOMs and Doughnut Economics can help you to rethink the balance between social, economic and environmental foundations of wellbeing.

Illustration of a light bulb with 3 empty boxes to the left of it.

Sustainability and Net Zero

How local authorities can help decarbonise their areas
Climate change and ‘zero carbon’ targets have been a priority for local government for some years, and most councils have declared a climate emergency. This briefing will focus on how local authorities can support decarbonisation in a number of areas and using innovative approaches to deliver significant results, while maintaining political and community support

Photo by James Feaver on Unsplash