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Resilience and regeneration 

In partnership with St George’s House
Martin Ferguson


The Covid-19 pandemic forced local public services to change the way they work to address the pressing challenges being faced by their communities. The impact of the pandemic has been compounded by climate change, the spiralling cost of living, digital poverty and a host of other issues now facing people, places and communities.

Our challenge now is to address what is a critical juncture for public services, a once in a generation opportunity to deliver lasting reform of public services to address these complex issues. We aim to enable and empower Socitm’s members to play their role at this juncture in supporting and transforming the resilience of people, communities, organisations and places they serve.

This Collection brings together insights from our network of 2,500 local practitioners and participants in Socitm’s Leadership, Research and Advisory programmes, together with wider findings and reflections from the public, private and academic sectors. These insights set out how, working together, we can all support the wider drive towards post-Covid resilience and regeneration.

Championing place-based resilience and regeneration, that will enable and empower people, communities, and places in turbulent times and beyond. 


The Covid-19 pandemic forced local public services to change the way they work to address the pressing challenges being faced by their communities. These changes included developing effective local test and trace systems, identifying and supporting the vulnerable, and undertaking data analysis to fill the gaps in knowledge about specific localities and communities.

Local public service leaders were asked to re-think the ‘art of the possible’ about where and how they should harness technologies and data to achieve better outcomes for their residents, businesses and communities.

The impact of the pandemic has been compounded by climate change, the spiralling cost of living, digital poverty and a host of other issues now facing people, places and communities….

Transforming recruitment and retention: How local government can successfully fill digital jobs in an era of flexible working