Cyber Incident Response: Your last line of defence - get better prepared

Zero Trust & SSE – Dictating your move to cloud security (or) Dictating your move to Zero Trust & SSE

Webinar Wednesday

Authors and contributors: iboss

Cloud adoption has bought about multiple organisational benefits; agility, cost savings, flexible working, to name some. It also bought about a seismic shift in security strategy, making the on-premise strategies of the past unfit for purpose and requiring new approaches, this is where Zero Trust and Secure Service Edge (SSE) have emerged to fill the void. However, with the advent of these new strategies comes problems, legacy vendors have been forced away from on-premise strategies which they have struggled to adapt to, and new vendors have sprung up saying they can solve all of you cloud security woes, and it seems that every cyber security company has Zero Trust and SSE solutions – but do they?

This stream allows you to think differently about your adoption of Zero Trust and SSE architectures, we cover point that are seldom discussed, avoided, and sometimes not even factored in when adopting/migrating to a cloud security architecture. The session will arm you with a different mindset toward cloud security and make you think differently when it comes to selecting the right approach to cloud security which fits in with your organisational planning, and factors such as data protection and compliance, now and in the future.