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12 local government digitalisation outcomes

The LGA, Socitm and Solace have reviewed the current landscape of digital support to distil the key components of digitalisation needed to have an impactful outcome for residents, businesses, and communities as follows.

These 12 strategic outcomes will be crucial in delivering digitalisation agendas that meets the needs of local communities. Reporting on the discussions that led to them being put together can be found in the St George’s House summary. An infographic of the 12 outcomes is also available.

Residents, council officers and organisations can access both the internet and council services uninterrupted – wherever they are in the community.

Data practices are focussed on improving services, facilitating innovation and informing policy making. The council:
* uses recognised data standards
* meets data security requirements
* protect residents’ rights
* ethically manages data.
All as it works toward more efficient and effective data collection, access, use and reuse, sharing and linking, and maintenance.

The council makes maximum use of digital technology to: improve councillor attendance; increase community engagement and collaboration; improve transparency , and optimise democratic decision making.

The council uses digital technology in pursuit of the common good and does no harm; it preserves human agency, is fair, transparent, and environmentally friendly.

The benefits of the internet, digital technologies and digital services are available and accessible to everyone.

The council’s leaders drive the use of digital technology:
* to achieve both strategic and operational goals,
* to create conditions which facilitate organisational transformation
* while being mindful of the opportunities and risks that it brings.
They lead an organisational culture that is open, digitally aware, and resident-focused.

Local productivity
The council supports the use of digital technology by local businesses, partners and third sector organisations.
It ensures they can access the internet and the capability to benefit from the engagement it enables.

Organisational capability
The council puts digital technologies at the heart of the way it works and trains its workforce in how to use them.
It has a culture that values, incentivises, and expects digital ways of working from every member of its workforce.
It actively develops its workforce’s expertise within the DDaT and cyber professions and has talent pipelines to benefit retention and relieve pressure on recruitment.

The council works with public, private and third sector partners to ensure an integrated, cohesive, and resident-focused approach to public sector digital transformation and digital service provision.

Security and resilience
Cyber security risk is minimised, and the council is resilient to cyber attack.
The council’s networks, infrastructure and services are as secure as possible from the moment of first implementation to decommission.
The information and data on them, and located elsewhere, is appropriately confidential, available and of sufficient integrity.
The public can use the council’s digital services with confidence and trust.

The council’s services are designed around the needs of residents and users, and prioritise them over professional, organisational and technological silos.
Services are guided by the government’s ten design principles, the Service Standard, the Technology Code of Practice and the Digital, Data and Technology Playbook.

The council targets its resources effectively. It harnesses the opportunity of digital, data and technology solutions to ensure they provide efficiencies and savings for local people and public sector budgets.

Find out more about the background to the 12 digitisation outcomes in the St George’s House report. An infographic is also available.