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Personalised training

Delivering specific, customised training, dedicated to meet the requirements of your team.

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Bring your favourite training to the rest of your team and organisation

Do you have a favourite course or programme? With slight adjustment, could it meet your whole organisation’s requirements?

We can personalise our training for your organisation and deliver it in house. We can adjust the number of cohorts, whether the training is virtual or physical, and more. Please just ask.

Tailored training is available to all providers of local public services. You don’t have to be a member to purchase in-house training.

What it offers your organisation

  • Our flagship courses combined with your organisation’s training needs
  • Flexibility in ways of delivery and time so you can plan it to suit your working arrangements
  • Great support for your employees’ training plan
  • Access to Socitm Alumni network to support further your future leaders


Welsh Government

During October and November 2021 – we ran a dedicated Empowering Women Wales programme for Welsh Government.

Based on our original Empowering Women programme, the sessions were delivered to  government employees only. It was also an opportunity for us to review the programme, and for the first time offer a dedicated project for the cohort to deliver as part of the initiative. The success of this, the first projected work in the history of this programme, has led us to keep it as a permanent part of the Leadership Academy training.

Neath Port Talbot Council

Throughout autumn 2021, managers in the council joined Managing and Motivating Hybrid Teams courses.

NPT wanted to run specific training sessions to support managers with new policies on hybrid working. Having consulted with NPT’s L&D team we created a short programme based on our successful ‘Managing and Motivating Remote Teams’ workshop. We facilitated these sessions on MS Teams and received great feedback.

What do our alumni say?

“A fascinating to step outside of my comfort zone”

“It’s been fascinating to step outside of my comfort zone and regular arena of work and see at first-hand how systems are discussed, created, changed & developed and ultimately get rolled out through large organisations.”

Anonymous Change Agents programme attendee

“A genuine life changing experience”

“During the course I came to understand some beliefs I had that were holding me back such as my own independence which meant I viewed asking for help as a sign of weakness.”

Empowering Women programme attendee

“A safe space”

“It’s a good safe space to consider this important subject.”

Valuing Diversity workshop attendee

“Beneficial for the cyber security project I’m working on”

“Trainers were very knowledgeable and great at answering questions. Simulation was very useful and listening to the discussion between others was beneficial for the cyber security project I’m working on.”

Cyber Breach course attendee

“Empowered to make a positive change”

“Thank you all, I have realised that my feelings are not isolated to me and I have been empowered to make a positive change that will benefit me in all aspects of my life.”

Personalised Empowering Women programme attendee

“Highly recommend this course alongside Top Talent”

“The ability to stop, reflect and see things from a different perspective. Highly recommend this course alongside Top Talent”

An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence workshop attendee

“I enjoyed how interactive it was”

“I enjoyed how interactive it was – we were all called upon to give input which kept us engaged.”

How to be an Effective Coach workshop attendee

“I have an improved skill set and self awareness”

“Thank you for facilitating the course; I have genuinely enjoyed it and, more importantly, feel I have an improved skill set and self awareness to utilise in my role.”

Top Talent programme attendee

“I will also be taking some of these learnings and sharing with my team both male and female”

“Just a big thank you for an informative and engaging two days shared with some super talented ladies! I had no preconceptions of this workshop having been signed onto this relatively late in the day but gained so much. I will also be taking some of these learnings and sharing with my team both male and female. Look forward to catching up with you all again in September. Until then happy empowerment!”

Empowering Women programme attendee