Benchmarking: What will you measure and discover in 2025?

Social value – A public sector perspective with Kurt Frary, Hema Patel and Tim Spiers

This event has now ended.

Date & time

  1. 22 May 2024 13:00 - 14:00


  1. Teams

This Socitm Says podcast sets the scene for why this is an important topic to explore. Hear from Hema Patel & Tim Spiers at Oxfordshire County Council and Kurt Frary, Norfolk County Council as we discuss what does good look like and how these challenges vary across different types of communities. Join us for this webinar where we will go into more detail about the benefits, community engagement, measuring impact, collaboration with our membership and much more


Additional information

Webinars hosted by our partners are open to all – whether you are from public or private sector, we encourage you to join, listen and learn. You do not need to be a Socitm member or a partner, either.

Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.