This two-day event will consider what we define as ‘work’ and how we work given the changes that we have experienced in response to the pandemic. Work is no longer considered the place that we go to, but what we do to achieve discrete improved place-based outcomes for localities. How can we as teams and organisations work better and smarter to support each other and the people that we serve? By challenging ourselves – to learn more, think differently, develop empathy and respect and through being more diverse and inclusive in our approach – our working lives can improve and the way in which we deliver public services in a more accessible, responsive and citizen-focussed has to be the primary focus.
We are moving towards a return to pre-Covid19 lives. Can we be sure what this return will look like? There are so many ideas, and the challenge for leaders is to learn from the last 12 months and continue with the best practice that has been adopted to date, whilst finding even more creative and innovative ways to transform public service delivery. The strength and opportunity that remote working has offered, the agility and flexibility of response, the use of technology, data and digital services as the catalyst for change and as an enabler, is the difference. Leaders now need to create the culture and champion the change to working practices which will enable people and communities to thrive.
We look forward to hosting an insightful and thought-provoking event. Guest speakers and discussions will give us the space to explore ideas and challenge the status quo as we enter a new phase of service delivery. As leaders and people, professional and personal responsibilities ebb and flow. Digital technologies can now match this expansion and contraction to support individuals and the provision of public services.