Benchmarking: What will you measure and discover in 2025?

President's Conference 2023

This event has now ended.

Date & time

  1. 13 June 2023 09:30 - 16:00
  2. 13 June 2023 18:45 - 00:00
  3. 14 June 2023 09:30 - 15:30


  1. DoubleTree, Brighton
  2. Evening Gala Dinner - DoubleTree, Brighton
  3. DoubleTree, Brighton



Day 1 – Designing out of difficult times 

Day 2 – Ethical, responsible and secure use of technologies and data


Join us in Brighton as we focus on unlocking the untapped potential in your organisations and communities. Connect with your peers to problem solve, hear from the innovators and influencers for a fresh perspective and celebrate success in the sector during our fabulous gala dinner.

We’ll do all this and more throughout the two days as we work out solutions to the wicked problems you face by showing you how to:

  1. design out of difficult times; and
  2. revolutionising use of technologies and data.

Leave with a summer ‘spring in your step’ having joined your peers to share experiences in the relaxed and vibrant environment of Brighton!

President’s Conference 2022 took place in Cardiff in June which was an exceptional get together. The Brighton conference is going to be the biggest and best yet. Do not miss out!

Please click here for photos

Session presentations can be found within the agenda


  1. 09:30 Registration

    A warm welcome will greet you at the Socitm registration desk where you can sign in and receive your delegate pass. You’re then free to start networking as well as helping yourself to refreshments – including breakfast pastries.

  2. 10:00 Socitm President's Opening Remarks

    Huw McKee, Head of IT and Digital Transformation, Conwy County Borough Council

    Huw will make us all welcome, run through the practical housekeeping, set the scene, share his thoughts and reflect upon his last 12 months as Socitm President.
    Huw will then kick the conference off by introducing our first keynote speaker.

  3. 10:10 How investment in digital leadership, transformation and service design transforms the outcomes of the people and communities we serve.

    Matt Prosser, Chief Executive, Dorset Council

    A brilliant key note to start our conference. Matt, President of Solace and former National Policy Spokesperson for Digital Leadership, will take us through his journey as a digital leader bringing multiple councils services into one.
    Matt will reveal key insights through the creation of a new unitary council with digital aspirations built at the heart of it. How investment in digital leadership, transformation and service design can and does deliver for the people he and his colleagues at Dorset Council serve.

    Presentation – How investment in digital leadership, transformation and service design transforms the outcomes of the people and communities we serve.

  4. 10:30 How can AI transform your council?

    Glen Robinson, National Technology Officer, Microsoft

    With recent announcements about AI-infused technologies, from Chat GPT to Open AI, to Copilot, Glen will spend time exploring how they can transform the way local authorities think about productivity, app development, and resident services.

  5. 11:00 Digital working in adult social care and health: getting to good

    Edmund Willis, Programme Lead Adviser, Local Government Association / NHS Transformation Directorate

    When technology is embedded seamlessly into care and support it can be transformative, improving people’s quality of life and ensuring information is readily available to help staff provide the right care in the right place at the right time. Recent publication of What Good Looks Like (WGLL) and refresh of the Digital Skills Framework provide guidance to councils to support this transformation, with funding to support adoption of digital social care records (DSCRs) by care providers and the Adult Social Care Technology Fund enabling some sector investment and research.

    Of course, guidance can only get one so far; getting to good is another story. So as well as summarising the national context and introducing the developing support offer from Partners in Care and Health (LGA and ADASS) to help councils in their digital maturity journeys, this session will explore the opportunities and challenges councils may need to confront.

    Learning and working together to improve digital capability and confidence will be a key part of making progress, within and between organisations, among people drawing upon care and support and the workforce. Getting to good will be a collective endeavour – audience participation in this session is encouraged!

     Presentation – Digital working in adult social care and health: getting to good

  6. 11:35 How can the private sector help us?

    Quest/One Identity

    Technology One

    Learn from our partners on problem solving for the public sector. Always a great way to hear different perspectives to help your organisations.

  7. 11:50 Networking break

    It’s time to gather our thoughts from the morning sessions over refreshments and snacks. This is an opportunity to connect with fellow colleagues both from the public and private sector.

  8. 12:15 Workshops

    Choose a topic of most relevance to you. Then in smaller, dedicated groups listen, learn and talk together to get details and confidence to try something yourself, when you’re back at your desk.

    More information about what each workshop entails will be provided closer to the time.

  9. 13:15 Networking lunch

    We know how important these section of a conference are. It’s time to make new connections, say hello to colleagues across the sector you’ve not seeen for some time and reflect on the morning’s programme over lunch. Keep the conversation going and enjoy further food for thought.

  10. 14:15 Post lunch recap

    Mark Lumley, Director Digital & IT, London Borough of Hounslow

    Join Mark as he recaps on the morning session and leads us through a few exercises to make sure we’re fit, energised and ready for the afternoon session. Not to be missed and a firm favourite at our conferences!


  11. 14:20 Socitm Advisory - Design Lab

    Will Costello, Head of Service, Data, Technology and Architecture, Socitm Advisory

    Service design doesn’t have to be difficult, but to do it well requires a holistic mindset that considers context, strategy, people, process and technology – as well as a whole lot of empathy and understanding.
    Join our talented service design team to see them showcase how we have taken Socitm members’ own challenges together with their team/s input to ideate options to solve a service problem.
    You’ll leave the session with pragmatic and actionable ideas that you can take forwards to help solve your service design challenges.

    Presentation Socitm Advisory – Design Lab

  12. 14:45 Charity Keynote: MindOut

    Erica Thornton, Chief Operating Officer, MindOut

    MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people with experience of mental health issues. We work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern.
    MindOut is essential because 40% of those who identify as LGBTQ will experience mental health challenges compared with 25% of the general population. Our work is vital because our service users do not get the support they need from mainstream services, they often feel isolated from LGBTQ communities and face additional discrimination and exclusion. LGBTQ people wait longer to ask for help and deserve a safe space where their identities are recognised and understood.
    Our vision is a world where the mental health of LGBTQ communities is a priority, free from stigma, and respected.
  13. 15:00 Networking break

    Another chance to network and compare notes from the afternoon sessions over refreshments and snacks.

  14. 15:20 Developing a cohort of cyber defences and solutions to protect local government and their communities

    Meet April’s Top Talent cohort. The final training sessions of their programme have been in Brighton. The last challenge is to share with the whole conference the details of their projects.
    The cohort has been split into smaller teams so they can collaborate, apply the theory and produce solutions.
    Be a supportive audience to these talented delegates.

    Presentation – CCoE introduction to Top Talent 

    Presentation – Top Talent Team 1

    Presentation – Top Talent Team 2

    Presentation – Top Talent Team 3 

  15. 16:05 Closing remarks

    Huw McKee, Head of IT and Digital Transformation, Conwy County Borough Council

    On behalf of us all Huw will reflect on a significant conference for Socitm and bring proceedings to a close.

  16. 16:15 Annual General Meeting

    Huw McKee, Head of IT and Digital Transformation, Conwy County Borough Council | Nadira Hussain, CEO, Socitm | David Bryant, Finance and Commercial Director, Socitm | Mark Lumley, Director Digital and IT, London Borough of Hounslow

    Our current president, Huw McKee, will lead us through what Socitm has achieved for its members over the last year, before handing over to incoming president Mark Lumley.

  17. 18:45 Drinks reception

    After an inspiring and thought-provoking day, it’s time to absorb all that information and unwind at our President’s Conference drinks reception – generously sponsored by our partner AWS.

    Whether you choose to carry on existing conversations or start fresh ones with new contacts, this is an opportunity to reflect and relax in a welcoming and friendly environment where catching up and connecting in comfort is key.

  18. 19:00 Gala Dinner: Celebrating Success

    Our President’s dinner isn’t just about good food and great company. It’s also the time where we acknowledge and celebrate the hard-work, vision, delivery, best practise and personal achievements of digital leaders in the public sector.

    In these most challenging times , peer appreciation and support are more important than ever. The President’s dinner is an opportunity to demonstrate how much our community, as a whole, values, recognises and appreciates the triumphs of individual members. This is why our President, President’s team and our partners have such pleasure in welcoming you to the evening.

    The President’s Awards take place between courses and allow us to congratulate our latest Leadership Academy graduates and share in our award-winners’ achievements.


Who can join our events?

Our events are open to everyone and relevant to all levels of staff, from new joiners right through to senior executives. This creates a vibrant mix which promotes innovation, sharing of best practice and drives the modernisation of public services.

Attendance is included in some of our membership and partnership packages – please refer to your organisation’s package details to see if you are eligible. You can do that on your account section.

A fee may apply for non-members.

Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to discuss your options.