Cyber Incident Response: Your last line of defence - get better prepared


This event has now ended.

Date & time

  1. 7 November 2024 09:00 - 14:45


Our meetings can be face-to-face (with refreshments provided) or virtual (bring your own refreshments) and will be focused on Socitm’s policy themes. Within these themed meetings your regional committee is free to create an agenda that works best for you and your regional colleagues. If there’s something you would like to discuss or investigate with like-minded peers just let us know on and we will co-ordinate that with and for you.


  1. 09:00 Registration & Networking
  2. 10:00 Welcome & Introductions

    Tony Colson, Director of IT, British Psychological Society

  3. 10:10 Socitm Institute Update

    Sam Smith, Director of Insitute, Socitm

  4. 10:30 WARP, C-TAG & MHCLG Update

    Cliff Dean, CIO – ICT Shared Services Manager, North Kesteven District Council & Phil James

    Phil James, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government 

    Katie Owen, Service Owner, Cyber Assessment Framework 

    Eloise Siani Djiakoua, Associate Collaboration and Engagement Manager, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government 

  5. 10:50 Tea & Coffee Break
  6. 11:10 Walsall Council & Sentinel Partners

    Walsall Council & Sentinel Partners Improving Lives Through Trusted Data Insights – The Sentinel and Walsall story- moving into a 45 minute Workshop on the opportunities and challenges for data collaboration at a regional level.

    Walsall Council & Helena Zaum, Chief Commercial Officer, Sentinel Partners

  7. 12:30 Lunch & Networking
  8. 13:20 Empowering Women Cohort

    Celebrate the achievements of our incredible women delegates as they present the outcomes of their collaborative efforts. This session showcases their journey of development, highlighting the skills they’ve learned and the impact they’ve made on key issues. Join us as we hear their inspiring stories, witness their growth, and applaud the collective power of women leading the way to positive change.

  9. 13:40 DevOps – an individuals view

    Justin Beaver, British Psychological Society

  10. 14:00 ADASS Update
    • Policy update – latest thinking about ASC data from DHSC
    • Developing data products – an update on the WM-ADASS ASC data hub
    • Developing capability around data – what we’ve done to develop PowerBI skills amongst data analysts in the West Midlands; how we’re supporting the development of data capabilities in commissioning through the Ignite national development programme for senior ASC commissioners
    • Opportunities for the future: using data and evidence to drive change

    Paul Johnson, WM ADASS Associate (Statutory Duties, Reform, Assurance Implementation & Planning)

  11. 14:20 AGM

    Socitm members only

  12. 14:45 Meeting Close


  • Tony Colson mugshot Tony Colson Director of IT, British Psychological Society
  • Sam smith Sam Smith Director of Institute, Socitm
  • Cliff Dean CIO - ICT Shared Services Manager, North Kesteven District Council
  • Helena Zaum Chief Commercial Officer, Sentinel Partners
  • Eloise Siani Djiakoua Associate Collaboration and Engagement Manager, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
  • Katie Owen Service Owner, Cyber Assessment Framework

Who can join our events?

Our events are open to everyone and relevant to all levels of staff, from new joiners right through to senior executives. This creates a vibrant mix which promotes innovation, sharing of best practice and drives the modernisation of public services.

Attendance is included in our membership and partnership packages. A fee may apply for non-members. Please see individual event registration details for more information.

Contact us to discuss your options

Public sector – contact Poppy Whelan. Private sector – contact Aimie Francis.