Celebrating leaders
Dig out your Christmas jumper, get in the festive mood and join us for the feel-good event of the year.
The achievements of this year’s Leadership Academy alumni are again, nothing short of amazing, so this is the chance to formally recognise their achievements.
Kevin Taylor, Head of ICT at West Suffolk Council an alumnus himself, will be hosting our event.
Opening the event will be our President Sam Smith, who herself recognises the positive impact the Empowering Women programme, greater involvement with Socitm activities and the benefits of networking have played in her own development journey to enable successfully heading our society.
We then have Kit Collingwood, assistant director, digital and customer services at the Royal Borough of Greenwich, who will give a keynote address on motivation and ambition which is bound to inspire everyone listening.
Our popular panel session which features the best senior leaders in the public sector, will then debate how to bring out the best in others through authentic leadership, giving us all the benefit of their experience and knowledge.
With a fireside chat, a fun quiz and then closing remarks from our director of leadership development and research Nadira Hussain to follow, the event promises to be the perfect way to end a busy and challenging 2021.