Cyber Incident Response: Your last line of defence - get better prepared

Modernising legacy IT infrastructure in a post-pandemic public sector landscape

Webinar Wednesday

Authors and contributors: Phoenix

Within public sector organisations, IT infrastructure management often poses a challenge due to the size of the organisation, the working environment, security considerations, skills, and budget limitations. It is therefore essential to put technology in place that is secure, reliable, sustainable, and efficient, while also being cost-effective and easy to maintain.

In this webinar, we explore the key findings from a recent quantitative research study done in partnership with Phoenix, Dell, and VMware, and run by industry experts Vanson Bourne. The research collates the results of interviews with IT and senior business decision makers from across the UK public sector about the IT challenges currently facing their organisations, as well as their short and long-term IT priorities such as:

  • Using technology to speed up operations
  • Improving data protection and security capabilities
  • Being able to collaborate while working in different physical locations
  • Delivering the highest quality standards to service users