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Luton Borough Council faced significant challenges, including:
- Lack of understanding of population outcomes
- Low data maturity
- The absence of a baseline measurement for the ambitious Luton 2040 vision
Impera addressed these issues by developing a ward-level SPI and training staff and councillors.
The solutions included:
- SPI: Created Luton’s Social Progress Index for detailed ward-level population outcomes.
- Training and coaching: Enhanced data literacy for key staff and councillors; coached the internal business intelligence team.
- Stakeholder presentations: Fostered collaboration and transparency through stakeholder presentations.
Outcomes and benefits
Impera’s holistic approach not only addressed the immediate challenges faced by Luton Borough Council but also laid the foundation for a data-driven culture within the organisation.
The successful implementation of the SPI has informed strategic decisions and brought about transparency and inclusivity in Luton’s pursuit of the ambitious 2040 vision.
Impera also guided the council’s policy and strategy for inclusive growth and minimum income standards and helped design population health management policies.