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Data platform for frontline care workers – LOTI

The project aimed to develop a prototype multi-agency data platform to equip frontline adult social care workers with better information about the residents they work with. This initiative is part of the London Office of Technology and Innovation’s (LOTI) Adult Social Care Innovation Fund and builds on a similar tool called Family Context used in children’s services.


Adult social care faces a projected £200m budget overspend in 2023/24. Frontline workers often lack current information about residents. The project aimed to enhance collaboration and data sharing among agencies in adult social care.


The project aimed to create a prototype multi-agency data platform for the first contact team in adult social care, building on the Family Context tool used in children’s social care. The platform was designed to meet the needs of adult social care practitioners and identify useful data sets for timely and appropriate support. The project also addressed information governance, proportionality, and the ethics of information sharing among agencies.

Outcomes and benefits

The project team created and tested a prototype digital solution that consolidates information from various agencies.

Benefits so far include:

  • Better access to information for frontline care workers, aiding informed decisions.
  • Enhanced collaboration between different adult social care agencies.
  • More efficient and effective service delivery in adult social care.
  • Insights on innovative approaches to adult social care for the wider LOTI community.

View original case study article at