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Leadership Academy advocate: Rob Price

A Q&A where graduates share their experiences of Leadership Academy training. What has it added to their life, both personally and professionally?


Rob Price

Current role

Service Delivery Manager with Norfolk County Council 

Which Leadership academy programme did you join?

Top Talent

What were your initial thoughts about participating?

I had heard extremely positive comments with regards to the programme and looked forward to attending. Unfortunately, my programme was delayed due to the pandemic and subsequently held virtually. However, as ever for Socitm no hurdle is too great and the delivery was fantastic.

What were your first impressions?

Very positive. Aidan our tutor/coach is excellent, and he immediately engaged the group.

What were the most powerful elements of the programme for you?

I have been lucky enough throughout my career to have attended similar programmes, although not delivered so well. So for me it was the reinforcement of what I had previously learned. This enabled me to check in with myself:

  • have I let things slip?
  • have I forgotten about certain elements?
  • am I on the right track to be a good leader?

It was also extremely insightful to be on a course where some candidates had clearly never previously had exposure to such content. Usually, you are all on a level playing field when attending a programme/course, for me this wasn’t the case. This was very powerful as it enabled me to hear very different points of view on various subjects. And to appreciate even more the importance of what we were learning and the application of it across a broad range of staff.

After graduation, what were the key things you took away with you?

Initially a sense of achievement,. This course will take you out of your comfort zone in places, and the final deliverable, the project definitely did this for many members of the group.  Our Team delivered a project which received positive feedback which was really pleasing for our group and we became a really close-knit community. 

Reflecting a few months later, I use the ‘tools’ in my weekly work to help me manage myself, coach my colleagues and help us deliver the best possible service we can. 

What would you say to anyone thinking about joining the programme you enjoyed?

Do it, whether remotely or face to face you will benefit from the programme.  If you have been on similar programmes before don’t let it put you off. A refresher is always good, you will be surprised what you may have forgotten, let slip or have not covered before!!

Read more about the Top Talent programme. Places are subject to availability and membership level. Check with our Leadership Academy Manager for all  the information you need.