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The Local Fairness Initiative (LFI) − Dundee City Council

Dundee City Council in partnership with a range of third sector organisations, grass roots community projects and local community representatives with a shared objective of reducing inequalities within Linlathen, an area with the highest levels of deprivation in Scotland.

A profile of Linlathen was created by Dundee City Council and shared with partners and the community to provide context for this multi-agency intervention. The target audience was vulnerable groups, such as carers, households with complex needs, single parents, households with a disability, those facing barriers to employment


  • Securing the multi-agency partnership across a range of sectors and services to progress this targeted work with shared outcomes and values. We created shared ownership of the initiative and its aims rather than it being delivered by local authority alone
  • Ensuring prioritisation of resources to the Linlathen Community. We used the statistical locality data profiles along with the narrative inquiry report to highlight the need for additional resources and commitment from services to target the area.
  • Limited resources of partners to deliver local targeted activities. We sought funding and supported partners with funding applications for additional resources from the council’s internal, and external sources to maximise impact of the initiative


Engaging over 150 residents in a multi-stage process involving film making, interviews, photographs and questionnaires. Key themes for change were identified and intermediate outcomes for the initiative were agreed on.

Close links were made with the Scottish Government funded Child Poverty Pathfinder, a joint project between Scottish Government, DWP, Social Security Scotland and Dundee City Council. The Pathfinder aims to increase employability opportunities for households in Linlathen by providing support that parents need to enter, sustain and progress in work, and maximizing support to allow families to lead dignified lives by maximizing their incomes and social security uptake.

Outcomes and benefits

Intermediate outcomes based on local needs were:

  • Improved employment opportunities
  • Improved access to advice in community
  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • Improved quality of housing
  • Reduced social isolation and better community links

Long-term outcomes are:

  • Increased income from employment
  • Improved mental wellbeing
  • Reduced the costs of living
  • Increased income from social security benefits and benefits in kind

Currently delivered:

Increased local support in relation to employability, housing and money advice:

  • New multi-agency advice drop-in person centered & holistic support
  • New out of school care facility reducing barriers to employment
  • New volunteering opportunities provided by partner organisations
  • Improved offering for skills development and learning for parents

Improved community participation through social and physical activities:

  • Increased provision of youth activities at local school
  • Community galas and events
  • Craft workshops
  • Play sessions for children with additional needs and their parents/carers
  • Weekly family fun activity sessions with free meal

Increased community empowerment through community groups focusing on residents rights.
• new Friends of Linlathen community campaign group
• new parent-led family activities group

Improved community spaces:
• community clean ups
• newly developed play facilities

“This approach has taught me that we need to speak with residents more and not just make decisions based on our own assumptions. It has made me think differently about my work and about the community of Linlathen”

Housing Tenancy Support Officer

View original case study article at